Blog Post 6: Propelling into a Sustainable Future

We in fact are living in exciting times, starting the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Emerging technological advancements in all fields are improving and becoming part of every day. Now, it poses the question to wonder how we can take advantage of these technological innovations to help descend into a more sustainable future. While robots can be replacing humans in factories, we can utilize these innovations to improve how we impact the earth in every industry. For example, one of the Essential Eight technologies mentioned in the Sustainability megatrends: technological innovations for the earth article by is Drones. Drones are air or water-based devices/vehicles that fly or move without an on-board human pilot. Drones can operate autonomously via on-board computers or controlled remotely. I believe that fashion industry can utilize Drones by using them to transport items from one place to another instead of using trucks, ships, or planes that release harmful gas emissions. Currently, Drones are limited to certain weights and size but does not mean it can be used to transport small items. Ultimately it will decrease the percentage gas emissions overall and hopefully with more advancement we can use Drones to completely operate logistics for company’s verses using traditional methods that harm the earth. 
Image result for drones
Image result for drones over cotton field
Another interesting way Drones can be help us into a more sustainable future is agriculture. Crops used to produce for textile fabrics such as cotton traditionally pollute waters with fertilizers and pesticides. Drones flying over a field can collect plant height measurements by gathering range information from the plant canopy and the ground below. They are also equipped with advanced sensors actually increase water and fertilizer efficiency, and also helps reduce excess fertilizer that runs off into nearby rivers and streams. It would essentially be ideal if in the future all cotton fields and other crop fields are equipped with a drone to make sure the crops are healthy and sustainable. Overall, drones can be used for multiple purposes and should be taken more advantage of. 
Let’s propel into a more sustainable future.


  1. Hi Nina,

    I really enjoyed your post and your creative and innovative ideas! I really love that you incorporated the drones to not only the shipping process, but the agricultural process as well. I, too, agree that drones should be used more and the their technology should be taken advantage of more, especially in the fashion industry where there is so much room for improvement. I think in the near future your vision can become a reality if we all commit to advancing technology and using it

  2. Love this double-vision plan for "Propelling into a Sustainable Future"! Not only does it help decrease emissions form freight issues, but LOVE that it also manages agriculture! Well done!


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