Nina&Frankie Group Blog Post 2

Nina Ibarria & Frankie Crognale

As the infographic shown above, Millennial’s shopping habits are very interactive whether through visiting brick and mortar stores or engaging in the brands social media. As much as millennials shop, they are the most sustainable generation when it comes to consumerism. In a Pew Research study, it found that Millennials are more likely to support strict environmental policies and regulations, 80% of then prefer to work for sustainable employers, they rather choose sustainable transportation options when possible and will pay more for eco-friendly product. These established values of sustainability do impact the way millennials shop and engage with certain brands overall. It shall be interesting to see how else millennials will impact the future of consumerism.

We are an example of this graphic being 100% true.  When shopping, it’s important to feel the clothes, see how they’re made, try them on and check the fit of them, etc.  If we’re willing to invest our hard earned dollars on something, it’s important that garment is absolutely perfect.  The only time we’ll ever order online is if it’s something we already know and love, just in another color, or if it’s an accessory.  Buying online is definitely more convenient, however it’s always worth the trip when you find something you really love.  


  1. Hi Frankie and Nina,
    I too believe that so far, our generation has taken the most interest in sustainability. However, we must continue and spread the word even more as it is evidently not enough. Your graphic is great in backing up the points you spoke about.
    Great job!

  2. I am so excited by your post! The infographic sums up the millennial shopping habits so well- great work in finding it! I especially dig this sentence you write: "When shopping, it’s important to feel the clothes, see how they’re made, try them on and check the fit of them, etc." I love that to you both purchasing clothing is meaningful! I am not convinced the average person has such a connection with clothes shopping- if they did we may not be in this fast-fashion cycle still that we find ourselves in currently. I am also delighted you include Pew study findings that 80% of millennials want to work for a responsible and sustainable company! You all will change the world! Well done!

  3. Hi Frankie and Nina,

    The graphic that you guys chose to use was very effective. It gives a lot of information about millennial consumerism. I am with the 82 percent of millennials that prefer shopping in brick and mortar stores. The only time I shop online or on the store app is when I know for sure that the size and color is going to fit and look good on me. Social media plays a big part for millennials so the exposure for brands and sales get to consumers quicker and more efficiently. Social media influencers are now promoting brands and millennials are more influenced to buy. Overall, your post had great facts and it was well put together.

  4. After reading over your post I feel as though I have to disagree with millennia's having any care to be sustainable. Millennia's are the number one supporters of fast fashion and are the highest spenders when it comes to the fashion industry. Now a days even myself am guilty of it, is constantly wanting to stay up to part with the current trends and social media is really to blame for this. The only way I see a change being made is media shedding major light on these issue for example having famous fashion bloggers or even celebrities these are the innovators of the fast fashion and they will be the only hope for influencing change.


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