Blog Post # 7: 48 Hour Journal
Although I stick to a solid routine throughout the week, this activity opened my eyes. Even though I try to become more sustainable in my daily life and opt to lower my contribution to negatively impacting the environment, there are still areas I would like to work on that I noticed I partook in after creating this 48-hour journal. Something I want to address and try to resolve is the overuse of plastic in the products I purchase. Food products I purchase at the supermarket including bread, butter, spinach, and kale as well as food products I purchase when I eat out including salad and utensils, all involve plastic in some shape or form. Ideally, all of said plastic is recycled, however I know that is most likely not the case. However, I do bring my own reusable bag when food shopping or re-use plastic bags I receive when shopping for garbage, for example. To counteract this, I find easier alternatives to stay away from plastic in other areas of my life. I carry a Swell bottle with me throughout the day to refill at water fountains. I also purchase solid shampoo and conditioner bars from Lush that have no packaging whatsoever. Another common issue I noticed was the heavy use of transportation therefore contributing to the heavy emission of carbon dioxide. Although this can be looked at from a negative standpoint, I like to believe that this can be considered a form of carpooling due to the fact that this is a better alternative to 80 passengers traveling separately in each of their own cars. If I wasn’t travelling between two boroughs every day, I would consider signing up for a City Bike membership which would be the most “green” alternative.

Companies should follow the path that LUSH Cosmetics has taken and reduce or even eliminate plastic entirely, if possible. Just like in fashion, I believe that if companies like LUSH continue to strongly advertise their actions on reducing the use of plastic and seeing the positive outcome from consumers, this can become a movement throughout companies in every industry.


  1. Pamela- I'm impressed that you selected ONE (not 4,5,6,7,8) issue to discuss. As one is doable. The fact that you mainly address the overuse of plastic in the products you purchase is excellent. The fact that in reducing and eliminating plastics companies can become more responsible is admirable and changing that one factor is doable and so important as plastic is so terrible, as we know, for the environment. Will companies do it is another story?…. So, now I ask you… how can a company make a change like eliminating plastic in their products/packaging/supply chains. LUSH is an excellent beauty-product company example… how do you think that can actually translate to fashion and happen??

    Nice work and thank you.


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