Visit to TexWorld: Sustainability by Breeona Boyd

Last week I was assigned to visit TexWorld for my Sustainability and the Future of Fashion class. The experience was amazing; it was held at the beautiful Jacob Javis center. When walking into the event it can be a bit overwhelming, as far as you can look companies have their are tables set up prepared to showcase their reason for being there.

Being that I was their for a fashion course in sustainability that is what I focused on. Two French fashion professionals, Louis and Gregory, took the time to speak to our class on sustainability and that was what stood out to me the most throughout the entire experience. They spoke about sustainability being the future. Often times we do not think about how important the sustainability in something like our clothing is. However they reminded us that humans come first and that clothes are for the people. We want the best made clothing made the most ethically for the best price but that often times is not what we are offered and that is what has to change.

I was able to further dive into the topic with Louis after the presentation. I asked him about a point that was made. In the discussion it came up that their are companies who claim to be all sustainable but its not actually possible. This made me think about the company that I work for, H&M. They have a program in which you bring in your old clothing to store locations and it is claimed that they recycle the fibers. But with so much clothing being made out of fibers such a polyester which isn't easily broken down how exactly is it being recycled. However I learned that things that are made out of polyester for example are turned into things like housing insulation. Which was refreshing to hear because it is still essentially being recycled.

Sustainability is an idea that not many companies have adapted their businesses to. With the demand for fast fashion and the pressure of companies to keep up with trends that are constantly changing one would ask is it worth the money to "go green." The answer is yes. In the long run adapting to sustainable ways now sets us up for a better future.


  1. Breeona- thanks for your great post. You are right that many people "do not think about how important the sustainability in something like our clothing is." and that "that is what has to change." You state that so well. That's what our blog is for!
    I am so glad to read you were able to continue your discussion with Louis and Gregory and talk about H&M and your work there. They are definitely slowly coming around to more responisble ways. Nice work and thank you!


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