We wake up everyday to a blue sky and green trees all around us. The world looks pretty amazing all the time, and we’ve gotten so used to it looking that way. Now what if one day we woke up and realized the Earth was dark and toxic. That there were no trees in sight, no visible sky, and no more water for us to access. Then what?
We take the world we live in for granted because we think it will always look the same, and there’s no way it could die right in front of our eyes. Well that’s just it; it can. There are limitations to Earth’s resources and we as humans are rapidly taking away more than the Earth can offer. The fashion industry is a big example of this. The dollar amount that we put on clothing does not ethically add up to the cost it takes to manufacture such a product. Take a T-shirt for example: a $5.00 T-shirt costs the Earth a ridiculous amount of water to produce. The Earth only has so much water we use at our expense, and if we continue to use water wastefully, we will end up paying the real cost in the future. The same thing goes for fuel. In fashion, fuel is used to power factories and the machinery needed to produce garments. However there is only so much fuel on the planet, and we are drilling it at an alarming rate. Eventually, it will run out, and perhaps sooner rather than later.
According to Robertson’s The Human Sphere: the exponential growth of any kind means that economically it cannot continue into the long term future. Constant on-going growth is physically impossible. That is why we must take care of our Earth’s resources since they are the only ones we have access to. We cannot keep taking more than what we have, that will be our downfall.
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