Population Vs. Resources by Natalia Salinas and Ashley Mosley

Population Vs. Resources

We are starting to experience the beginning of large increases in our population. This has several effects on us and the fashion industry. We already have a problem with over producing in the fashion industry. Having said that, we believe this problem will only increase.

From here there are a few options. We could try to get ahead of this rise in population early and start preparing the clothes to be sold as second hand. The alternative would be trying to make the clothes more appealing and start the recycle process for the new clothing. However, we also have to be conscious of the resources we have left and to not use them until they are too scarce or extinct. Water plays a major role in the fashion industry and the production process. This is detrimental to our environment because we are currently facing water scarcity around the world. For  example, Malia Brown discussed with us the situation in Cape Town. Cape Town is said to run out of water by April of this year. This is a very real problem that will only get worse if we don’t choose to take early action and be prepared for our increase in population. This is not the only way population will make a negative impact on our already borderline shortage of natural resources. Using the example of water again, we also need this resource to hydrate the population. There are already people without access to clean drinking water (partially due to the fashion industry). Therefore, the increase in people around the world who do not have safe water will rise as well. We are not the only sources that demand this resource either. Crops and energy also demand water and both are also used in our industry of fashion. Water scarcity affects 40% of the population as of now according to Malia Brown. With global warming the Earth is only getting warmer and dryer which ultimately also affects our natural resources and their availability.
All in all, the population now already has an unhealthy affect on our Earth so with the amount of extra people we are expected to acquire over the next few years we must choose renewable resources and accept the second hand clothes we already have produced.


  1. I cannot stop looking at your amazing, hand-drawn, detialed, fabulous graphic!
    The image of the oh-so-densely-populated-and-heavy population bringing the scale all the way down on the left side vs. the lighter-weight resources that can't balance those people- so are up-in-the-air, on the right side is amazingly effective!!!!! SO WELL DONE! THANK YOU!


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