Minimise the Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Use renewable energies by Lea Stretz

Minimize Greenhouse Gas Emissions: 
The making of fibers, textiles and apparel products consume significant quantities of fossil fuel, accounting for approx. 15% of the global total carbon impact.
Use renewable energy when possible. (All operations)

The following commitment “Minimize Greenhouse Gas Emissions” is a commitment based on reducing the toxins that a factory can produce due to the use of plastic, petroleum and other toxic elements. The greenhouse gas emissions have for impact to warmer our planet and then dissolve the ice floe which as a huge impact on the biodiversity. Unfortunately, all of this is caused by human activities including making textiles. Indeed, the biggest source of the greenhouse effect is created by burning fossil fuels (which is used a lot in the textiles industry). Be aware of our planet is a huge commitment for our future and that is what Stella McCartney is engaged to and she is a great example for any luxury brands. As stated in the article of BOF, Stella McCartney, and her team had a real shock about the killing animal and climate crisis link, and it helped them to build the brand’s missions. This is an important commitment as we have to preserve our planet, we are currently using the resources of 5 planets when we only have one.  This commitment will definitely help the planet to be “healthier”, to breathe and to stop damaging the biodiversity (erasing leather and fur will stop to kill animals). Overall, it is important for fashion responsibility as fashion leads many people in their way of life, so if fashion is following a certain way of being, producing and acting like being sustainable, customers then, will follow the brand and adopt a correlated behavior. By using renewable energies such as wind panel or solar panel helps to reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions. For that, this BlogSpot will focus on the development of renewable energies for factories. Indeed, for example, the use of wind panel, wind panels have a strong energy system, which doesn’t imply burning fossil fuels and thus reduce the gas emissions, preserves water and sanitary. With the case of Stella McCartney this is the most widespread in the UK and the easiest as there is no much sun and more wind (wind panel is more suitable for Stella McCartney’s factories). A second example is solar panel, as well as wind panel the solar one doesn’t imply burning fossil fuels and with the heat of the sun make energy, this energy is renewable and does not pollute the planet (we will never miss sun or wind opposite with petrol). Finally, the third one could be hydraulic energy; indeed, the power of waterfall can rotate a turbine and then create energy for a factory for example. Those three latest technologies combine perfectly the sustainable and renewable aspect of this commitment, it respects the environment by using natural resources and most of all to last in the future without damaging the planet.
