Why should I be an Earth System's Thinker?

When consumer's of the fashion industry think of "sustainable" they only think superficially, I know I did, before I learned that sustainability is deeper than the fiber a company is using. Sustainability affects the way the company treats their employees-- are they getting fair wedges and proper lunch breaks, the factory systems being used-- are they creating an excess amount of pollution, the fibers being used-- are natural raw materials being used, such as cotton, and bamboo, and is the decomposition safe for living systems in surrounding areas. 
Consumers have the ability to think outside the perimeter of purchasing an item. By purchasing an item, you are backing up the company and investing your money in them, for what they stand for and their vision. When thinking of the future of fashion, consumers have to understand the negative environmental footprint some of these companies are leaving on the planet. The planet is comprised of four spheres, as seen in the picture above, these four spheres are Lithosphere (rock), Atmosphere (air), Hydrosphere (water), and Biosphere (life). 
The importance of knowing the four spheres of the earth as a present and future consumer in the fashion industry is due to the development, consumption, and decomposition of the product. The four spheres of the earth are affected by the fashion industry because during the development stage, the Lithosphere is being affected because we are taking resources from the environment at an unnatural rate, where the earth cannot process resources fast enough for our human consumption. The Atmosphere is affected when the factories release toxic chemicals into the air and some specific companies such as H&M and Burberry burn their products to avoid discounting the price of these items. The Hydrosphere is affected when toxic dyes and chemicals contaminate freshwater streams in areas near and far factories. 40% of the waterways in the United States have become undrinkable due to these toxic chemical contaminations.  Lastly, the Biosphere is affected due to these chemicals, contamination and overwhelmed resources cycle causing a negative environmental footprint. In the United States, we have less than 4% of our original forests left, this not only affects us as humans but affects the wildlife animals who depend on it. In the Amazon alone, we're losing 2,000 trees a minute.
This negative environmental footprint is subjected to become so detrimental that the Earth will no longer be able to sustain human consumption in the year. If everyone consumed at United States rates, we would need three- five planets. This negative environmental impact will only change when present and future consumers in the fashion industry become more educated on the sustainability act of the companies they are purchasing from. 


  1. Hi Maria,

    Great post! I loved how you broke down each sector of the earths spheres and how they are all effected by the fashion industry. I also thought you had great use of statistics that really made the post stronger. Saying "40% of the waterways in the United States have become undrinkable due to these toxic chemical contaminations." and "In the Amazon alone, we're losing 2,000 trees a minute." really opens our eyes to the impact this is doing to our earth. In the future, I would do a quick proofread to make sure its final. In the third to last sentence you wrote "This negative environmental footprint is subjected to become so detrimental that the Earth will no longer be able to sustain human consumption in the year." In what year? Overall great job! Looking forward to reading more!


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