Bionics is a raw material engineering company founded by Tim Coombs and Tyson Toussant who found a way to use plastic waste from oceans and landfills and convert it into a sustainable raw material. Tim coombs came in to talk to my sustainability class about Bionics foundation. Coombs explained Bionics tagline “Stronger thread. Greater good.” is meant to inspire communities of the world to work as one for a greater tomorrow.
Bionic understands that living sustainably is the key for a healthier planet. Due to the lack of peoples eco-friendly efforts, approximately five to twelve million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year. As a means to downsize on this plastic humans are leaving behind, Bionic has partnered with Waterkeeper. In order to fund to slow down the growing use of single use plastics in developing nations, Bionic pays double what plastic costs to waterkeeper.
Bionic offers a variety of yarn from HLX, DPX, and FLX. HLX consists of a helical cover (natural or synthetic fibers), recovered plastic (RPET) and a core. This type of yarn can be made with cotton, bamboo-charcoal, hemp, etc. and it even works well with strong materials that contain properties such as flame resistance and moisture wicking. Next, DPX is made of natural or synthetic fibers and recovered plastic (RPET) and is used to enhance functionality and aesthetics. Furthermore, FLX is made up of RPET that goes through heating and spinning which is used for backpacks (shiny), waterproof and athletic materials.
The brand has very little trouble attracting potential consumers due to their concept of sustainability for the world. The company has worked with big brands like H&M which received high attraction over a collaborated wax canvas bag. Furthermore, the brand has worked with Timbs in a Tougher than Water campaign which Coombs considers to be one of their big breaks. Additionally, the brand was able to captivate Pharrell Williams attention and has since chosen to work with Bionic. In 2015, Pharrell become Bionics creative director and chooses to use this sustainable brand in projects when working with big brands like Gap. The publicity adds onto sustainability awareness and growth for the planet.
When it comes to environmental and social issues, there is a slow supporting mission of a 10/90 concentration. Ten percent of Bionics mission is continuing beach clean ups in remote areas. Then 80-90 percent is a by weight of their latest collection which consists of bins from beaches, restaurants, hotels, and businesses (coming from oceans). The brand continues to grow sustainably although they understand the slowly growing sustainable lifestyle.
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